defeated by a wide margin and in embarrassing fashion, usually in a sports game or other competition
The Dallas Stars got burfed in St. Louis again tonight, 7-1 this time.
by BluesFan44 February 9, 2011
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When you have a really hard workout by Coach Burford. It typically involves some form of screaming, or something involving a lot of pain, and if you give up, you're fucked.
"SHIT there's Coach Burford!! We're gonna get burfed!!"
"Shoot me now!!!"
by shootmenow March 12, 2009
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a mix between a burp and barf
"ugh yuck, i just burfed!"
by molly February 20, 2004
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When you go to burp and actually barf a little. Don't actually vomit, just get a little taste in your throat.
by Telomere November 18, 2005
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to lie on someone or to someone
Why you burfing on me?
by candygirl1 June 18, 2015
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An after dinner surprise in which you expect a nice burp but end up with a little barf making its way up your esophagus thus leaving you with that horrible burning sensation. (Burp + Barf = Burf)
Earl: Gee whiz Sally, that was a fine souffle you made!!
Sally: Well thank you Earl.
Earl: Buuuuurppppblecccchhhh!! Oh Christ my thraot is burning....I just BURFED!!!
Sally: Oh Earl!!
by Inatoob August 30, 2007
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When you try to burp, but a little vomit comes out.
Person 1 *burfs* “sorry I just burfed.”
Person 2 “what the fuck is a burf?”
Person 1 “sharting of the mouth.”
by BurfBoy69 December 11, 2022
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