Absolute insanity.
Elephants with fucking lasers, man.
Elephants with smaller elephants in carts carrying lasers.
"I say good sir, have you partaken in the internet game 'Elephant Quest?'"
"Yeah I have, it's pure bumblefuckery!"
by Captain Bumblefuckery December 12, 2012
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#bumblefuckery #bumblefry #bumblebeez: Momentary failure to live up to the Mission, Vision and Values (MVV) declared by the Sole Proprietor, Non or Not for Profit, Non Governmental Organization, Educational Institution or Private or Publicly Held Corporation (SP/NorNFP/NGO/EI/PrHC/PHC) charged with providing a verifiably beneficial service (VBS). Who through the provision of service, and/or way service was provided, caused unintentional or unrecognizable harm (CUIH or CURH) to student/s, client/s, patient/s or other service recipient/s (S/C/P/OSR). And may have done so so in ways that adversely impact both the S/C/P/OSR as well as their Kin (via inconvenience, expense, &/or situational, chronic or seismic harm (Via I, E, SH/CH/SH). The impact of which may affect current financial, physical, mental, emotional, moral &/or spiritual well-being and may also extend in far reaching ways, compounding existing trauma from lived experiences where harm was caused when progress, well-being &/or healing was promised yet not delivered in categorially inept &/or harmful ways; requiring time, energy and money to care for immediate wounds, while also having to address, redress or address anew past wounds (A/RPW/AAPW), be they physical or otherwise, visible or invisible. #restitutionrequiredalongwithpossiblerestorationandreparations
"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ " Swim School in _ _ _ _ _ _, CA USA exhibited #bumblefuckery when the owners did not immediately reprimand their employees for spanking K-5 students who were scared to swim instead of exploring what was scary about learning to swim and determining how to better approach acclimating #WaterSensitive Students #NeurodiverseStudents #StudentsWithInvisibleDisabilities to a pool environment. Including the pool itself; the scent of a pool; the ambient and variable sounds of a pool; the temperature of a pool and how it varies from first steps to deepest waters; the physical sensations of being in a pool up to your *ankles, calves, *knees, *groin, *chest, *neck; and/or *having your head underwater be it momentarily and willingly or otherwise**. Not to mention taking on larger Learning Curves like staying underwater for more than the average person can hold their breath, dog paddling in the deep end of the pool (aided or unaided), jumping off a diving board (accompanied or unaccompanied), sliding down a slide (retro, current or water park) and/or jumping off a high dive (knowingly and with consent or unknowingly without consent).

* Each of these requiring a different level of awareness, care, concern and trouble shooting depending of the lived experiences of the student, client or other service recipient -- along with different approaches to safely move from shallower waters to deeper waters, well assisted and well supported, to independently.
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