To sabotage a close friend or colleague with intimate knowledge of what would hurt them most. To abuse the brother relationship trust at the hyperbolic moment.
Rollo knew Ragnar would be back to invade Paris again the next year. Instead of maintaining forward camp he married a French Princess, set himself up as Duke and BROTHERFUCKED his fellow Vikings.
by Come on meow June 16, 2016
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A girl who fucks brothers especially her friends brothers. Like a motherfucker but instead a brotherfucker. The girl will usually still be in high school or senior school and her friends brother is usually a few years into their university course.
Man. I can't believe she slept with your brother last night. What a brotherfucker.
by Herb Mo May 28, 2008
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Strictly, one who engages in a specific type of sibling incest. Usually applied to any contemptible individual or object, regardless of their or its sexual proclivities.

Often shortened to brother, brofo, or bro.

See also sisterfister.
Hey, brother, can you spare a dime?
My mobo is a brofo.
Leave off my bro, man.
by Lucifer B August 17, 2005
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Two males having sex out friendship rather than sexual interest in each other.
It's no gay if we're brotherfucking!
by Sex Jerry February 23, 2013
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when a man gets accused of wanting a threesome with a female and her brother and then furthermore is accused of just wanting her brother
girl: so ur a huge cock tease....and u wanna fuck a guy.....
annnd you told my brother you would visit him without me
you are so fucked in the head to do this to me.

man: no i am not a brotherfucker
by stephensharp July 14, 2009
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The nickname for the anti Semitic US rep named illhan omar who illegally married her brother.
Illhan Omar is such an anti Semitic shitstain that she picked up the nickname as the brotherfucker when it was revealed that she married her brother.
by bendover91 February 11, 2021
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