instead of reading all the above with long and boring paragraphs..

simple sentence

Bogan: An Australian Chav.

(other words; a disgraceful australian with a horrific accent (a dumbass really))
"You f***ing BOGAN"

"Did you see him? he's such a BOGAN"
by Rez-erection October 16, 2006
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A chap of individuality to be admired. Doesn't give a big curly rat's arse whether his shirt is politically correct if it is effective. Has identified the value of Big W check shirts. Is more likely to have a shed full of supercheap and old holden workshop manuals than a wardrobe full of Julien Marnot's silk ties and Armani shoes. If stranded on a lonely road is more likely to fix a breakdown with barbed wire and a fresh split sapling than simper about 3G coverage. Not often seen in the company of pencilneck peckerheads.
Big Kev. Has a holden ute and one for spares. Has a wardrobe full of bogan shirts. Used to drink VB until he found out coopers home brew ginger beer is cheaper.

Pete... a semi bogan. Admires the durability of a check shirt, but reluctant to be considered unfashionable.
by Big Kev 77 March 16, 2011
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A bogan is a person (normally found in Tasmania, Australia) Who wears Dada, Eminem, Fubu, dirty dog and torn pants that may have holes in them.
Most of them talk as if there's something wrong with the way that their mouth looks, also, Most of their sentences contain the words:
"cunt "
"i'm gonna"
Most of them tend to come from the "bogan schools" like Cosgrove and Rosetta, Newtown also has a reputation for being full of bogans.

Bogans tend to walk around streets in groups, or drive around in an old Holden or Ford.
If you have any large amount of money on you when you see a bogan, hide it.
"Look at that bogan there! His ego must be the size of a wall, he could be the fifth wall!"
A Typical bogan saying:
"I'm gonna knife you cunt!"
by CheseCMan May 4, 2006
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In the form of a question: Boganate? "workin' out today?"
In the form of an answer: "What are you doing today?" "Boganate"

Pronunciation: Bow - Guh - Naw - Tay
John: Boganate?
Steve: Yeah, are you?
by Rhys Morgan April 10, 2008
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I just did a huge Bogan in the toilet
by Beiry September 13, 2003
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Bogans have migrated to London en masse, intergrating with native Chavs
"Blimey guv, look at that bogan working behind the bar!"
by Uncle Albert February 16, 2005
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whoever wrote the second definition must have been plastered at the time - i've never heard such a crock o' shit in my life. not the first bit, i'm bloody fine with that, it's the flaming second bit about the wankers in wutang and emin-fucking-em plastic crap. it is wrong, yes, WRONG to describe these beings as 'bogans' as it is a harsh insult to the beliefs of many, if not all bogans as i am a bogan myself and bloody proud to wave the flag. plastic gangsters is the correct term to be used - that or wannabes, annoying little shits or homies.
"wasup ma homie? mutha fuckin cunts fuckin riped me off with this fuckin weed. the fucks just crushed up dried fucking cut grass and sold it to me in a bag for a mobile phone i stole from my mum when she was drunk last night fucking my uncle on my bed. have ya gotta smoke?"
by Gangsta Erasa MB August 4, 2005
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