v. the act of drinking another's blood
would you bloodlet with me?
by Dani Jezabel May 13, 2004
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1. The YUMMY act of draining blood either by wrist, neck, or other veiny part of the body. Any sharp blade will open you up nicely. Also a helpful medical tip from the Dark Ages!
2. The ancient Medieval art of draining all of the bad blood from the body and regenerating new better blood!
"OOOooOoOo!! Go get a bucket and some bloodletting knives!"
by Bumstika December 13, 2008
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Bloodletting of the penis, this involves it to soak and dry on a piece of paper to then be smoked. This is called penis blood cigarettes.
by Atef Lord November 30, 2020
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Keeping schools open at the height of a pandemic.
We have decided that the only way forward is to keep schools open to maximize the loss of life! Fucking Awesome, this is going to be a bloodletting.
by Salviati January 6, 2022
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