Mia Birchall is a beautiful girl and has a great personality. She is smart, wonderful, cheerful and overall amazing. If you ever happen to be so lucky to meet a Mia Birchall, keep her, Marry her, date her just do whatever you have to do to keep her there with you. Make sure you’re on her level or above before giving in yourself and decency of asking her out on a date otherwise you will not only cause pain for Mia, but also for yourself. She finds it hard to say no one who is humble and sweet so if you desperately need her, and please be just that.
Oh woah! Mia Birchall really is a beautiful girl!”
by Iliketodrinkorangejuice December 17, 2018
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Has special things for Spanish girls, although when a large muscular men walks past he can not help but stare at them
Stop looking Birchall!
by peirsmorrgssnaadn May 1, 2023
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A last name, very uncommon, they are labelled as the usual nerd and love food, they are cool and always want food, they need munchies apart from this, they are nerdy and also kinda cool they tend to be a big nerd, for anyone that likes that, although a very cool last name, like the birch tree, the last name is common with white men
Person : did you hear birchall started teaching maths

Other person : yes, that's so birchall
Person : people say he loves nerdy stuff like maths
by toebeau January 25, 2020
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Everyone needs a nichola birchall in their life. The most amazing woman to walk the earth. Funniest gal this side of north.
by Hdhdjdhdg October 21, 2017
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