by ingradf February 3, 2013
by BigBoyZ January 15, 2013
by I can smell you December 15, 2016
A select Asian perspective of a larger than life, Western caricature, often resembling a pseudo-muscular fat man who shares a strikingly similar appearance to many equally unknown working Asian extras.
by Big Boy Sr. September 26, 2012
A jolly fat boy with amazing hair. He is always wearing red and white checkered overalls, and holds a double-decker burger. He is the mascot for Big Boy restaurants. The two most common chains of Big Boy Restaurants are Bob's Big Boy in the West, Frisch’s Big Boy in the Midwest. Each restaurant has a fiberglass statue of Big Boy welcoming hungry visitors.
by imahobgoblin March 7, 2011
An individual with such immense levels of logic they are deemed godly. These venerated entities rely on The Big Boy Doctrine, a book describing the way of the Big Boy Logic. The Big Boys spend the majority of their time at the Big Boy Intelligence Agency's or BBIA headquarters located under the ice sheets in the Artic.
Potus asked the Big Boy where the Oval Office is.
The officer pulled the Big Boy over for reckless driving, and immediately gave the Big Boy his gun and badge and left the scene.
The officer pulled the Big Boy over for reckless driving, and immediately gave the Big Boy his gun and badge and left the scene.
by Big Boy Logic January 22, 2021