A group of people who's fandom I will never understand. They support a man that showers with his daughter, sniffs children, doesn't remember who he is, what he doing, or where he is going and lacks and kind of mental capacity for the job. He shakes hands with ghosts, his policies have been disastrous. Yet somehow, millions of Americans live in delusion that he is actually helping the economy, although inflation and gas prices have skyrocketed. Most of his supporters are softees who probably think that Trump's words were "hurtful"
I can't for the life of me, figure out we anyone would be a Biden Supporter.
by EPICblogspot January 26, 2023
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Meaning: Someone with similar disabilities such as dementia, someone used as puppet.
I may be a Biden supporter cause I can't think for myself.
by SLSK.RC April 4, 2023
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Low IQ idiot that love burning down cities, breaking windows, looting and lives in mommy’s basement and is too dumb to even get a job at Mc Donald’s. They won’t stop their path of Destruction until they ruined every city in America.
Look at those Biden Supporters on tv burning down a minority owned business in Minneapolis! Wow, now those Biden Supporters are lotting Gucci purses! Those Biden Supporters are destroying this country!
by Mr. Phonics September 28, 2020
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Somebody suffering from severe mental retardation. Probably were dropped on their head a few times as a baby, their mama may have smoked crack when she was pregnant with them. Also a very ugly and unattractive bitch, not sexy or hot at all, not a bad bitch. The bitches that complain about abortion restrictions and how it should be a right for all women (so they can have the freedom to be hoes without any consequences), but let's be honest, with faces and bodies like that, they won't ever have to worry about becoming pregnant because I mean let's be real, who'd put their dick in that?
Bill: damn that girl is ugly as shit, wow look at her face, it's all jacked up and everything, and look at her hideous body, all fat and everything, who does she think she's fooling wearing a bikini, it's not like she's a hottie, I wouldn't touch that with a 50 foot pole!
Jim: She's a Biden supporter, what do you expect? It's not like she's gonna be pretty or hot.
Bill: oh I should've figured

Ugly libtard girl: shame! Shame shame shame! Shame on republicans for telling a woman what she can do with her own body!
Normal person who isn't a retard: oh shut the fuck up already you dumb bitch, and besides, I think with that body you never have to worry about becoming pregnant in the first place!
Libtard: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
by Cornpop was a bad dude July 25, 2022
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People who don't do their research and listen to mainstream biased media because they can't think for themselves.

Person with common sense: "You realize biden voted for segregation, right? trump has done so much for minorities. He signed the platinum plan so how is he racist?"

Biden supporters: "Orange Man Bad!!!"
by Supreme Boss January 16, 2021
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Stupid people who think that a segregationist is gonna help this country, just because orange man bad.
Person 1: "You do realize that biden signed the 1994 crime bill that enslaved black people for minor offences? he also voted for segregated busing."

Person 2: "We are biden supporters we dont use common sense!!!"
by Supreme Boss January 16, 2021
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An idiot that made fun of the president for 4 years and now that their president won They want to "Work together!" Now that sleazy joe won they have gone quiet now. It's kinda nice that they did bc now I won't have 5-year-olds saying. "BIDEN 2020! DUMP TRUMP!" Even though they cannot vote.
by Im bored! December 14, 2020
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