A woman who really likes baked goods and is slowly taking over the world using them.
She created crockercorps
See also batterwitch for further detail
EB: the gushers were made by Betty Crocker!!
TG: wow
EB: i know... is nothing sacred?
by Dirk's autoresponder February 8, 2012
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A short female who has a double chin...and walks around wearing grandma glasses.
by Oreolover69 January 18, 2017
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To make prepackaged baked goods.

Use of this term is meant to replace the word "bake". It acknowledges the absence of baking skills so no one confuses literacy with talent.

Can be used with products of other names.
I Betty Crockered some muffins last night.

I'm going to Betty Crocker a cake tonight, want a piece?
by Seriously this is ridiculous February 4, 2009
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The situation when all your electronic cooking devices are lost, stolen, broken, etc, and you must resort to mixing by hand.
Kenz: The electric mixer's broken!
Me: Look's like you're gonna have to Betty-Crocker It
by TP loves Trees January 19, 2011
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When a male is performing anal sex with a woman and the woman is making him a sammich.
I was hungry and horny, so we did the Betty Crocker
by Patreazy March 31, 2007
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Average Joe: "Bro, I'm so Betty Crockered, that bong ain't no joke."

Average Cody: "Hell yeah man, me too!"
by City Slickers June 26, 2014
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When you put a whole box of betty crocker cake mix up your ass.
Person 1: I did the Betty crocker

Person 2: how did you fit a whole box of cake mix up your ass?
by CombineTheElite December 22, 2021
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