Betabet: (Alphabet 2.0; "Did you hear John? The Alphabet went Beta!")

Acronym examples: "lol"; "rofl"; "lmao"; "lul"; "gtfo";"stfu"; "haha"; "wtf"; "omg"

Emoticon examples: "=)"; "=("; ":p"; "~{:^)"; "(>'')>"; "=O"; "( . Y . )"

Lingo examples: "srs bzns"; "zomg"; "h4x0r"; "leet"; "1337"
by alphabetwentbeta! December 24, 2010
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the alphabet keeps updating it become's the Betabet
BRO i found that the alphabet becomes the Betabet
by TommyDictionary July 4, 2022
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When a male is considered beta, it would be insulting to say alphabet, so instead they use the betabet to avoid insult the alpha males.
Dave: Did you just say alphabet, did you forget you're a beta male?
Michael: Sorry Dave, I'll say betabet from now onwards
by The Dank Meme February 20, 2019
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