by rperazag May 13, 2010
A short video game demo intended to sell more copies prior to launch under the guise of a performance test in order to avoid negative feedback for trying to push sales.
by Gaijin Dad August 7, 2017
by 69cooldad420 May 21, 2019
The last stage of testing for a computer product prior to commercial release. Beta testers are usually real users who are offered a free down load or product to try out and are asked for feedback.
George, "Hey, Where did you find this new app on your phone and how can I get it?"
Sara, "Sorry, babe, it's a beta test and not available yet".
Sara, "Sorry, babe, it's a beta test and not available yet".
by Noopyhi November 11, 2013
A smartphone beta test is the practice of allowing people to test-run a particular model of smartphone (once confusingly named a smart phone) before it is ready for commercial use. The findings help to validate and further improve the smartphone’s features, functionality, usability, speed and performance.
by icicler March 27, 2012