
Don't deny it poggers. It's real (also fuck u).
Barchie stans: "Barchie rising my dudes"
Bughead and Barchie stans: "Frick you, you melon"
Barchie stans: "Stfu you're just here to pass time"
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The Riverdale ship that is clearly superior to Bughead. Fight me.
“Barchie is endgame.” ~Kevin, an actually character of the damn show
by NoTeaJustFacts March 4, 2018
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“the ship of betty cooper and archie andrews on riverdale. childhood best friends who do not get a lot of screen time together and whose storyline got dropped because the writers were threatened”
Barchie is ENDGAME.
by The100vixens on ig September 17, 2018
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A ship on Riverdale. Consist of Archie and Betty. They have never actually dated. Many people prefer bughead. In season four of Riverdale Betty cheated on Jughead and Archie created on Veronica with each other. This ship will probably never happen.
Barchie will never happen. Bughead is Endgame
by @riverdalefacts! June 15, 2020
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the endgame ship of betty cooper and archie andrews on the show riverdale
“it’s like it was their destiny” - kevin keller talking about barchie
by allie tanner March 15, 2020
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barchie, barchie is riverfails best ship and if you disagree with that bc you ship bugcest, okay but barchie is endgame and y'all can't change that, even roberto has confirmed that they will happen sooner or later and two (or more) of the cast ships barchie:)
barchie endgame
by adorexoleff January 4, 2020
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Barchie is a ship of Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews in Riverdale and the Archie Comics, and Kevin Keller claims that it'll be endgame.
"To clarify, Betty and Archie aren't dating but they are endgame" - Kevin Keller

"Barchie is so endgame" says Emma
by BlingBling666 September 17, 2017
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