Ass Cancer

Ass cancer is another way of referring to anal cancer. Anal cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the anal canal and the anus. It is a rare disease among the general population, but is very common among gay men. Along with that, infections like HIV and Syphilis are also very common among gay men.

Gay men who don’t have HIV are over 20 times more likely to get anal cancer than the general population. Gay men who DO have HIV are about 100 times more likely to get anal cancer. Rates of anal cancer among gay men have been increasing every year.

This is because gay sex often causes anal fissures or tears. The anus is supposed to remove waste from the body, and having gay sex will eventually cause tears and cuts to the anus. These tears can get infected.
Infections and diseases like HIV, AIDS, Syphilis, and anal cancer (or ass cancer) are very common among gay men. That is a fact.
by Medical School October 18, 2019
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Ass cancer

Cancer of the ass, usually caused by sitting on your ass for long periods of time. Many RuneScape nerds get this type of cancer and need chemotherapy. People known with ass cancer: Telmomarques, No Excuses, Fredmcgarry, and Rens.

Ass cancer stages:

Stage 1 - Wanting to not get up from your chair for days

Stage 2 - Twitching of the gluteus maximus

Stage 3 - Black hole appears inside of the anus and sucks in all organs causing the person to die in a matter of seconds.
Did you hear about Telmomarques getting 120 dungeoneering?
Yeah, sadly he developed stage 3 of ass cancer.
by Evil Exit August 29, 2010
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Ass cancer

a person who keeps following you around
I seem to have developed a strange growth on my ass... my summer student is an ass cancer.
by Weppelmann February 16, 2006
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ass cancer

A particularly high-frequency and malodorous case of bad gas. Most often occurs among males, in the company of multiple other males, and usually after a night of heavy beer drinking. Also known as butt AIDS.
Group of guys, nursing hangovers in front of TV, playing video games. Suddenly, a stomach-turning smell wafts over the room.)

"Ahhhh! Who did that? It's awful!"
"Sorry, dude. I've got a bad case of ass cancer today."

by Spalding Smails April 15, 2008
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Ass cancer

Terence im blessing you with ass cancer, iv just farted by the way
by Alex Broadbent January 5, 2004
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ass cancer

its when you have cancer, in your ass
Doctor: "you have ass cancer."
The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere: "ass cancer?!?!?"
Doctor: "it's uh... when you have cancer in your ass."
The Man Who Could Sit Anywhere: "oh my god, how could this happen?"
Doctor: "Think - have you been sitting anywhere radioactive lately?"
by homieijustfuckedyomomma October 26, 2017
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The disease you get when you have anal. There is no way of avoiding this, condoms and birth control are useless. If you get T.A.C. you will have to get both of you but cheeks surgically removed with a chain saw.
Mrs. STD- don’t have butt sex kids or you will get T.A.C.

Kids- what’s T.A.C.
Mrs. STD- I’m glad you asked Tina, it’s terminal ass cancer. As you can see I am missing both of my butt cheeks, I bet can you imagine why

Kids- You had T.A.C. Terminal Ass Cancer
by Gaygaygaygaybitch5 June 9, 2019
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