A selfish over confident piece of shit bitch who will ruin your life quicker than the Avatar the Last Airbender movie did. This bitch will make you eel dumber than anyone else in your life ever has and ever will. This chick will make you fall in love with her and play your emotions for ten months cheating on you in the last two and then dump your sorry ass with no explanation.

The name Ashleigh itself is actually just a pompous douche-bag way of spelling Ashley.
Guy 1"That bitch fucked up my life."
Guy 2"That's an Ashleigh for ya."
by The 22nd Truth Seer May 14, 2017
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Ashleigh: I spell my name A-S-H-L-E-I-G-H, not A-S-H-L-E-Y.
Friend: Wow, goodbye.
by ShannonKnows July 16, 2008
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The worlds biggest cunt. She loves to try and steal women's boyfriends.
Look at Ashleigh flirting with a taken man, again.
by yegger January 15, 2013
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Ashleigh, one of the most beautiful girls in the world, her pure beauty can make you fall for her Instantly. She's also one of the most loving people you will ever meet and will light up your entire world the second she enters your view or you hear her voice. Not to mention she's also smoking hot, like smoking smoking hot... Just had to throw that in.

Ashleigh is also athletic on a multitude of levels, she can literally do anything sports related and just naturally be good at it. Her talent doesn't only stop there, she has the most angelic voice you will ever hear and can play the piano/keyboard like a total boss when she feels like it. Ashleigh also happens to be never wrong, you must always trust everything she says because she is always right and in the end the more you trust her, the more she will trust you.

Ashleigh is amazing, amazing in every way, shape and form. However, sadly enough, she's taken... taken by a very very protective and loving boyfriend so stay back guys.
Me: "Bro look theres an Ashleigh, she's so amazing"

Anon: "Dude, you haven't even talked to her"

Me:"so? she's still amazing... SHE'S AN ASHLEIGH"
by Be4ns September 29, 2022
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Ashleigh is an ugly girl who is not talented and can't sing. She is also babyish and childish. You don't want to be friends with and Ashleigh
Boy: Ashleigh your ugly

Ashleigh: *crys*
by Bingbongbimgoskaoa August 23, 2017
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