Art is what you make it.
art is anything one makes of it and thinks its beautiful or unique
by bottonnose October 22, 2009
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"Art is a blast!"
"Fine art is the beauty of that single fleeting moment of explosion."
by AnnaTrancy June 1, 2012
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a shit you call art
art is shit
by icherishme November 27, 2021
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Any form of human self expression, creatively in the attempt achieving reactions amongst the senses or feelings or emotions. It can also be complex works of literature,music,paintings and sculptures,etc In where a deep message or meaning can be found Art is almost anything that humans do and doesn't have to be the pompous crap that most people defining the term on this site say it is.good art is like beauty and based on the beholder.It can be simple, it is all to appeal to people of many personality types.
Lady gaga is an artist, she intrigues me with her catchy music and avant garde fashion.I feel a sense of belonging because she is so strange, she tells me(and her fans) that iam not the only one of who likes strange tastes.
by sailornaruto39 June 27, 2010
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making art that isn't very good art at all. Only in the artist's head is it considered good art, and finds joy in creating.
Doing art homework is not considered arting, because art homework is filed under hell.
Gotta do some more arting over the weekend.

I just wanted to do some arting, but then I got a bunch of art homework that I didn't want instead.
by astarvingartist February 11, 2013
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