An individual on the strongest side of the asexuality spectrum who is often repulsed or disgusted by the idea of sex, even when discussing about other people.

This does not mean that ansexuals harbor any kind of hate or disgust for people who identify differently, but they do not like to have conversations about sex or sexual relationships and especially despise the idea of being involved with someone sexually as well.

Sometimes, this may discourage someone from trying to be in any kind of romantic relationship with someone who has not openly identified themself as ansexual or asexual to avoid awkward or uncomfortable situations or conversations.

Ansexuals can be of any romantic or gender orientation, but do not have any sexual orientation.
Me: I'm ansexual!

Friend: What does that mean?

Me: It means that I am physically repulsed by the idea of sex.
by demiromantic_asexual_girl_liz September 17, 2021
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Having romantic/sexual feelings for one or more genders, but uninterested in actually having a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone. Can sometimes be influenced by social anxiety.
Sorry, I’m ansexual. (Ans)
by Murf Murphy November 14, 2020
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If you watch too much anime and your apart of the LGBTQ you are Ansexual
Me: Hey are you apart of the LGBTQ
Radom person: Yes.
Me: Do you watch a lot of Anime?
Random person: Yes.
Me: Then you are Ansexual!
Radon person: Oh Yay!
by February 3, 2021
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