Here are some facts about Anoushka
- Anoushka can't cook eggs
- Anoushka is very indecisive

- Anoushka's school dress is way too short

- Anoushka blames everything, including her school dress length on her parents

- Anoushka is a mess

- sixth and final fact, Anoushka is a perfectionist, with nice handwriting.
person one: "damn that girl's dress is short, she looks a mess, her eggs are cooked all wrong and she looks like she can't make a decision to save her life"
person two: "oof, must be an Anoushka"
by yarst October 25, 2019
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When you give your kids a 4 pack of Gingerbread men from Greggs so you can slip round the back and make them a new brother or sister with a chap you just met in CEX 5 minutes ago.
Friend One: "I'm pregnant again"

Friend Two: "Damn how?"

Friend One: "I got Anoushka styled behind Greggs"
by Sealion1616 January 6, 2022
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Anoushka is an absolute firecracker. She is a brave, strong and positive soul. She will fight for you, look after you and smack you in your head when you are being stupid. But she will NEVER EVER leave your side. If you are lucky enough to become friends with Anoushka Modgil- the best you have unlocked the premium package in life. An absolute riot of a person who will love you unconditionally even when things are tough. A wholehearted genuine human who will make you want to be the best version of yourself. If she ever 'child zones' you then you are FUCKING lucky you are on the Top-tier. She will look after you even better than your actual parents for REAL. She gets you like no one else and she is too understanding and non judgemental that you will be surprised to see people like her even exist. Mind you she is stupid, goofy and hilarious with the most stupidest adventures and upto interesting shenanigans as well. Talking to her/ spending time with her makes you feel like you are part of something COOL.

Imagine you hate some place and want to leave and feel fucking stuck and want to cry - she has the ability to change that and make you excited about every single thing in a snap. That is how powerful her energy is. So if you're lucky enough to have her in your life. Cherish her and just fucking hope that you never lose that.

Anoushka is family.

Anoushka is home.

Anoushka is the BEST.
Example 1:

People: Gosh ! you seems so happy these days whats your secret? Are you high?
Me: Nope. Just friends with Anoushka Modgil (the best).
by SH09 November 24, 2021
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anoushka is a girl with a lot of booty. she is young and wild. she has rough toes which people like to lick due to the bumpy texture. If she was a Tv character she would be dean from gilmore girls.
you have anoushka toes, they smell.
by pneumonia123455 April 30, 2023
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