A hippopotamus.
The face of a hippo is similar to a trash compactor.
Is that a rhinoceros? No, that's an African trash compactor!
by systech March 29, 2020
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A new name for a rhino made popular by reddit user u/SVahnen02
Dude 1: dude I was in Africa and i saw the biggest African trash compactor I've seen in my life

Dude 2: wtf is an African trash compactor?

Dude1: it's a new name for rhinos you big dum dum
by jackalowsers March 28, 2020
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My South African English accent is More British-based.
by August 19, 2021
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The only time that ever supersedes standard time African time, and is consistently longer. But always considered to be forgiven due to the person.
Lastly, can be sped up, when bought an alcoholic beverage!
1:They are late again.
2:Again? They’re on African time?
1:No, no, African Ron time.
2:That’s okay, I’ll call them, they’ll be here in five if I get them a beer!
by RonSharkey March 26, 2022
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When a well endowed African man lays down with an erect penis causing the shadow to act as a sundial.
Man 1: Hey what time is it?
Man 2: Just look at the old African Sundial over there.
by Spooperdom February 11, 2020
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