An adopted person. This person has:
1. suffered the trauma of being legally and physically separated from his/her original parents.
2. learned to live with strangers who became his/her new family.
The adoptee loves his adoptive parents but still wants to search for his original family.
by gizmo+2 January 16, 2014
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Her birth mother did not want her, so she became an adoptee and was adopted by a loving family.

This adoptee is quite and very loveable!
by A Female Girl April 15, 2007
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A feeling "blue" coming of age adopted child, whose adoptive parents will not or cannot provide him with information on his or her birth family.

There is only one known worse situation than being condemned to adopted smurffdom. This added predicament comes instantly to mind, when recognized, is that the victim must face the world as a freckle-faced, red-headed, adopted step-child!
"I'm feeling sad and blue," said the smurffed adoptee after newly informed of his non-being status.
by gravy111 November 11, 2010
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