by GhostHitman007 March 31, 2023
When a known person swoops in and takes the person you have been chatting up and wanting to take home. The magpie is usually sensational.
by Max Pacity April 24, 2022
Someone who hangs at the train station or bus stop or anywhere public all day long, usually asking for a cigarette, spare change or pocket lint. Usually unemployed and unemployable, using nothing but slang, and usually impossible to get rid of, until threatened with violence.
Called magpies because if they have gotten it once, they'll expect it again, and again, regardless of who it is.
Called magpies because if they have gotten it once, they'll expect it again, and again, regardless of who it is.
Person 1 : Yeah, so anyway, me and this chick...
Magpie : 'Ey man, u gutta spare smoke i can borrow??
Person 1 : No, go away
Magpie : Please man, i havent had one all day...please....
Person 1 : I saw you smoking 10 minutes ago, fuck off
Person 2 : GO AWAY you fucking mapie
Magpie : Pleeaase man, i'll pay you back
Magpie : 'Ey man, u gutta spare smoke i can borrow??
Person 1 : No, go away
Magpie : Please man, i havent had one all day...please....
Person 1 : I saw you smoking 10 minutes ago, fuck off
Person 2 : GO AWAY you fucking mapie
Magpie : Pleeaase man, i'll pay you back
by Gaxx May 20, 2006
by JIMIJASMINE October 9, 2018
Get the magpies mug.
by Vodkabongs October 13, 2017
Slang for a member of the Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC). This is due to the fact that their strip is black and white.
by Angel February 24, 2005