A Ben

by Operation101 November 30, 2016
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A Ben

Guy 1: Damn son I like them shoes!
Guy 2: Yeah got em on the internet. They cost a ben.
by lloydallan December 11, 2008
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A Ben

A unit of measurement equal to 4 inches.
"Oh dear you only have a Ben"
by Germankidneyfidler October 25, 2009
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A Ben

A person who always thinks and/or acts like they know what they are doing or talking about, but is winging it and has no clue.
Please stop being a Ben about it and listen to me
by realperson9000 March 20, 2020
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A Ben

A ben is when you harm or kill your self in any sort of way ( your a idiot)
John '' Liam Just Died , by suicide''
Kean '' Liam Did a Ben''
Liam '' Oh yeah I did''
by Pu$$AySluYErn !!!!!!!!! February 9, 2018
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ben ben ben

Ben Ben Ben is another way of getting a person named Ben’s attention.
You: Ben Ben Ben! Come to the pumpkin patch!

Ben: Alright i’ll be there in 20 minutes! I just need to finish packing my bags for when i go to Arizona!
by Jack Awoll October 7, 2020
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the duck overlord. he can perform mind control on ducks of all kinds.
Look, its Ben with his army of ducks again!
by megosoftwindows August 12, 2020
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