a colloquialism for September 11th 2001, the day when the world trade center was attacked by foreign terrorists
9/11 was a tragic day for the country.
by The Return of Light Joker February 29, 2008
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A terrible f@ckin’ day period... a tragic day back in September 2001, will be exploited by the right and libtards both but doesn’t take away from devastating heartbreak seeing those many people perish due to a terrible Islamic fed agenda.
by ZachAttack94 October 11, 2020
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An amazing fun and hilarious day and just the perfect day in general for new york. Especially if you were in the twin towers but still is one of the days of the year now
Bro 9/11 was the best day of my life. It made me gay for Osama Bin Laden and I'm happy it happened. I fap to the twin towers and plains all the time. I fap to Osama Bin Laden every day of my life.
by Adolf Hitler was an amazing December 8, 2019
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Known As The Best Day On Earth And Also Were Daniel DankMemer Was Created He Now Is A SkoolShooter.
Daniel Caused 9/11 He Also Isnt Gay.
by idontusethisnotmyname February 20, 2018
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The day America was changed.
Also the day where new god-tier memes started rising. Dark Humor is the best.
Kid: You know how New Yorkers are the fastest readers?
Me: How?
Kid: One New Yorker went through 87 stories in 10 seconds!
Me: Get the hell out of my house. 9/11 scrub.
Mom: Hey son! Your dad went through 92. Guess he’s better!
Me: :(
by Buddha’s Messenger February 19, 2019
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(Im british so if im wrong sorry) so its a tragic event in history that happened in america with the name of it referencing the date it happened. A plane with bombs on it (napalm to be exact) crashed into the south twin tower which was a suprise because a plane had already crashed into the north one but didnt do too much damage and it happened all the time (mostly accidents) this also created one of the most famous american pictures ever taken. A falling man.
I really dont know... um... (teacher) what was one of the most sad events in america? (Me) 9/11
by So guys we did it. February 2, 2020
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