people born on the 10 of June are very happy and extremely positive! they will most likely get out of their way to either annoy you or help you, which is not a bad thing. The only negative thing about people born on the 10 of June is that they love to facetime people during the wrong times (I mean at least they know how to face time people and will ALWAYS pick up the phone!)
is that someone born on the 10 June? OMG I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM!!!!
by Simplylisa.xox on tik tok December 4, 2020
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National day of telling ur crush is ur crush
Hey joachim today is 10 june, u’re my cruhs
by Mr.rupaul June 9, 2019
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Peter Repko do be on 10th june watching by himself nigga lamp.
Its 10 june?
yeah bro lets waitch nigga lamp
by 271920 June 10, 2020
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The day in which great people may be born. Also, it’s national lazy day
Hey do u know what day it is?
Yes, June 10th, the day in which people are born and it’s also lazy day
by Pickles of the earth June 4, 2019
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People born june 10th are crackheads but we love them
"Oh did you hear she was born June 10th"
"Wow thats crazy"
"I know man"
by Hellobyotches December 7, 2019
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One of the most kind hearted,handsome, tall people u will meet.He might tell a lie but he is doing it cause he wants to be cool.So when he says it’s a lie believe him cause the lie he told is not true.
The day June 10 is the best day for people to be born in.
by miriscash October 18, 2019
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they fine ill hit
Yo she fine id hit
Yea ofc u would anyone would she a June 10 baby
by psedonympyro October 16, 2019
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