I called it 1 down.
by Haywood jablowmeigh July 21, 2008
It's not a regularly used word in some cases. Generally to sum it up this type of down syndrome is way different. If you have class 1 it means that you are on the levels beyond stupid. You can suffer from eating Tide Pods, chalk, or key caps from your keyboard. On other lines you could be shoving screwdrivers up your ass or knives and twisting them.
Teacher: HEY! YOU! Get over here! No fireworks in school!
Retard: AAAAAAWWWW! *Shoves firecracker up ass and ignites it.*
Teacher: Well he did have Class 1 Down Syndrome.
Retard: AAAAAAWWWW! *Shoves firecracker up ass and ignites it.*
Teacher: Well he did have Class 1 Down Syndrome.
by ratchetedboi12 February 26, 2017
when someone has no thumbs up and 1 thumb down. pathetic enough to have a thumb down, but not noticed enough to have multiple thumbs down. aka the epitome of self pwnage multiplied by everyone who overuses lol.
someone who has 1 thumb down racks up so many nub points that they are court ordered to have their testicles removed
they also vaporize in the presence of Chuck Norris
they also vaporize in the presence of Chuck Norris
by Hauntedfox August 31, 2008
by Don Faith June 4, 2006
by BostonFocus June 1, 2019