This is an improved antonym} from "{Difficult Difficult Lemon Difficult}" I kept the first 'difficult, because it actually is an antonym. 'Peas', which I'm assuming is the root word of 'peasy', doesn't have an opposite. It does, however have a rival, of sorts -- 'Carrots'. The same holds true for 'Lemon'
The last one took a moment -- when you squeeze something you remove all the air or water. So, the opposite would be something with a lot of air. And 'Breezy' fits the rhyme scheme.
"It only took me about 10 minutes to create it -- so it really wasn't 'Difficult Carrots Lime Breezy'."
by Rej Leatherman December 27, 2019
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A carrot lord is a person who is genuinely nice but can be a dick at times. It takes a while to hit their soft spot
Hey bae i heard you like carrot lords
by Aryec October 29, 2020
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A person who is genuinely nice but can be a dick sometimes. It takes a while to break their outer shell to see their nice side
Hey bae i knew you liked me for my carrot lord tributes
by Aryec October 29, 2020
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Derisive term for a situation where a chronic moocher tries to temptingly persuade you to "just give him one very last loan" supposedly in order to enable him to accomplish whatever he needs to do in order to become able to finally pay you back all that he owes you --- and possibly a bit extra as a gratitude gesture --- in one lump sum. The idea is that he still does not even possess a real "carrot" --- i.e., any actual cold hard cash --- to offer you, but he is merely offering you the empty-talk promise of a "whole bag or carrots" --- i.e., a large one-time payment-amount that is far greater than any of the individual loans you have given him so far -- if you continue to bust your a** on his behalf. And of course, this assertion, too, is itself usually just another worthless promise, similar to all the other times when said handout-seeker has come bawling and blubbering to you for financial assistance in the past.
The local preacher tried to tell me that if I toil my butt off and live a life of strict propriety and chastity, **maybe** I will be given great rewards in Heaven. Sounds like a classic "empty carrots-bag on a stick" promise to me --- why should I suffer the agonies of an extra-hard and boring existence, especially when I am not even assured of any recognition or benefits for my efforts, anyway???
by QuacksO December 8, 2018
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Noises that attract rabbits
Carlie:how do you catch rabbits
Ricky:idk dumbass how
Carlie:you go in to a field and make carrot noises

Ricky:I hate your crackhead ass
by Bakedbobby September 18, 2019
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When something baffles, shocks or amazes you and it keeps getting worse/better by the second. Like getting a carrot up the ass and it gradually widens the deeper in it goes. Can also be used when your day has just gone from bad to worse.
by Majkimus September 17, 2023
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