The female equivilant of a 'pimp daddy'

A hooker machine has tons of guys wanting her and is very boss.
Sexy Guy 1: Wow, Breana and Taylor are super boss, I want them both so bad!
Sexy Guy 2: I know man, they are such Hooker Machines.
by BFrog101 April 28, 2011
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Sucking a penis and a pussy at the same time
Man, Derek was pulling off a Captain Hooker the other day
by BigDickCockSucker69 August 27, 2015
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a house full of women and men, most of the men were granted with the name of Timothy.
Where are you going?

to a hooker house! i could use some timmy

by alittlebitemo April 23, 2020
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This is the place a guy named Mikey would live.
Mike acts like he comes from a hooker house all ratched.
by SportyObject5 September 2, 2021
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Hooker/Thot/Slut Someone who dates/Fucks guys or girls for money

@ppointments only
Hey let's go get some hookers tonight since my girlfriends out of town
by thtDUDElorenzo March 16, 2018
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What’s a hooker mom’
‘You’re looking at one, son
by JHerald800 August 24, 2022
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