Same concept as an Eiffel Tower, but your buddy is too drunk. So, you lay him on a flat surface to compensate while you hit it doggystyle
Yo, Connor can’t stand bruh. Maybe you should test out the Leaning Tower of Penis instead of the Eiffel Tower tonight.
by Watkins978 November 9, 2020
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An 18 years old entrepreneur, owner and creator of Dissapear, a clothing brand with focus in the experience of the consumer.

Can be used as a substantive
Erik: yo, what's his name?
Santi: Mano towers.
by DSheep11 November 23, 2021
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When you have sexual intercourse with a female who is on her period.
Tom: I had sex with emma when she was on her period
Craig: bloody towers! that must have been messy
by thats my way March 27, 2013
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The most beautiful genius female this world has ever seen. Wealth is hers to play with all the days of her life. Her heart is pure so she can see far into the future and the past becomes the grounds of her gift of balance. She understands the weird and confused individuals because she can see their spirit of light and imagination. She is generous beyond her lovers expectations and gives life to his most desirable fancies. Love for her is more than a word. She explores it at every angle possible. She is the original.
Jeane Tower is the female you never thought existed. She will amaze you with all her talents.
by Jeane Tower December 21, 2020
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One who absolutely is a lame loser. With a high level of operation, yet is very low-functioning in adulthood.

Not a very good person to other peopl, Yet still oddly has a high regard for oneself
Kook tower! You’re at the top!!
Good god how did all these kook towers erect so quickly!
by Crypstyn mcdougal November 26, 2022
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