The act of showing someone your privates out in the open when that someone doesn't exactly enjoy seeing them, in a quick and sudden move, hence its name
Unfortunately (or not, you have your own tastes) this is usually used when grown ass men do this to children
Don't be fooled, however, women ain't no saints in this area either
Note: long raincoats or bath robes are often used by flashers
Some dude was flashing kids in the park
The movie "Observe and Report" starts with a fat guy flashing helpless women in a parking lot
by Sisco in the Wild November 12, 2018
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A culture flash occurs in your local area or when you travel outside of the county. Different cultures may cause you to have a culture flash, but the flash only last 10 seconds.
“Omg it was such a culture flash!”
“It’s like not culture shock… but flash”
“I went to McDonalds and they didn’t have chicken nuggets… what a culture flash”
by FlashyGal1597 July 27, 2023
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Flash hey can also be referred to as a dry text to start a conversation. It would consist of just "hey" and nothing else. This is utilized by someone who is feeling sassy or annoyed with the other person. They want to talk to them but at the same time they are bothered that the other person did not initiate first.
Person 1: "Hey"
Person 2: "No need for the flash hey, I've been busy"
by queenofsass13 January 17, 2017
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A word used by Sofia and Aidyn in a British accent,
when Sofia decided to turn of her flash
Sofia-oh I want the flash off

Sofia-off the flash 🎩
by Sakuraskull April 23, 2022
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A word used by Sofia and Aidyn in a British accent :)
Sofia-let me turn off the flash

Sofia- oFF tHe FlAsH🎩
by Sakuraskull April 23, 2022
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Da "explosive" act of briefly showing a not-in-da-mood guy your big luscious shapely boobs, suddenly causing him to want to jump your bones.
Using a flash-bang technique may indeed give a guy a "hasty hard-on", but if you then delay at all before getting it on, he may just-as-quickly "deflate", and then it may be difficult of impossible for him to "get it up again" for a good while.
by QuacksO July 4, 2023
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