Just as color perception (and in turn blindness) exists on a spectrum, so too does the ability to experience emotions.

Most people who experience color deficiency, do not have issues with all color (red and green are most common). Color blindness can also come with heightened awareness in other areas...like better than average night vision or a keener sense of smell.

These details parallel well when describing people with emotional deficiencies, in that:

(1.) Someone on the spectrum for narcissistic traits, often still keenly feels rage, envy, hatred and fear.

(2.) Narcissists experience the above emotions more often and at greater intensity than the average person, BECAUSE they lack the ability to feel other emotions (like empathy) which might otherwise (ironically) diminish and balance those feelings out.

(3.) Even a full blown psychopath with no neurotypical fear response, (I.E. only feels an adrenaline rush) is not 100% emotionally colorblind. They still experience pleasure in a limited, ego driven sort of way. If this were not the case, they would have no motivation to do anything, (including anything bad.)

(4.) Total lack of emotional feeling and complete colorblindness, are both incredibly rare, and can signal something more serious...like a brain injury or a neurological condition.
I've never heard someone say they wish they were colorblind, but I've heard a ton of people say they wish they lacked certain feelings, because they think it would solve all their problems. This is kind of like thinking you could avoid getting stuck in traffic if you no longer saw the red in a red light. Emotion is not the heart of the problem.

Emotional color blindness might very well take away things like: codependence, trauma responses and making personal sacrifices for conscientious decisions...but it would also diminish your capacity for joy and your ability to have meaningful relationships with anybody.

Better to sort out the kinks, then throw the whole baby out with the bathwater.
by Olive989 March 15, 2023
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When you purposely make yourself cry for 20-30 mins and then move on with your day like nothing happened, feeling refreshed. The depressed and the normal both undergo this phenomenon, as it is a good way of hiding your emotions, and everybody knows that everything is fake out there nowadays.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, I just really need an emotional cleanse"
"oh yeah, me too. I usually do it every night before I go to sleep"
"that sounds really unhealthy"
"Fuck I forgot you're a doctor, why are all my friends doctors"
by graya November 28, 2017
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A person being strung along by their ex for emotional support while their ex hooks up with other people all while they're hoping for another chance!
Hey look at Jerry. Poor guy. His ex is using him as an emotional support donkey while she gets it on with Carl.
by The Late Brew April 26, 2020
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Hym "No... 'Emotional Blackmail' is using 'your kids' (in abstraction) to aggregate unearned power and grant yourself extra-judicial authority over other people. You're the ones who chose to subject them to reality. They aren't going to be safe either way, so, no... You don't get to be God unto Pharoah. End of discussion."
by Hym Iam April 27, 2023
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Something that is offered to those who need to harden the fuck up emotionally.
Oh look Jane's crying again, that bitch needs some emotional milk.
by renniehugh September 21, 2015
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A sensory devise that emits light that coordinates with one’s emotions.
Tim’s emotion light has been glowing blue all night.
by CrankyKramer August 19, 2022
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A bad memory involving farts.
Jesus Christ man, I’ve got an emotional fartscar from when my brother used to come into my room and stink it up!
by Beel69 February 20, 2019
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