Species of obsequious and sycophantic acolyte with no sense of self-worth and an outstanding desire to please the powerful.
As a butt snorkeler he had his head so far up his leader's arse that he needed a snorkel to breathe
by Argus Tuft 2 August 14, 2022
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The stumpy end piece of a fry, typically not having any holes. Specifically found at Chick Fil-A, they are extremely controversial. Many argue about whether they are better or worse then typical fries.
"Ewww, don't make me finish the butt fries. Even BBQ Sauce won't make them taste better."

Jayden handed Zeke a butt fry because he did not want to snack up on it.

"I love butt fries" Jonathan screamed
by Ziggyp August 30, 2023
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When you pass out from a pot attack, the only thing your crazy aunt can think to do to help you is fill a syringe with peanut butter and squirt it up your butt.
When sherri woke up from her pot attack, she thought she may have shit her pants. Then she realized she was a victim of peanut butter butt.
by messy bun2 November 4, 2022
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A person who looks like a literal turtle without a shell and/or sucks. Used as a term for someone who is a butt sucking turtle without a shell.
"Yo, Mr. H sucks balls."

"For real. He's a real butt sucking turtle without a shell."
by no one freaking cares February 23, 2022
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(Antiquated/not PC.) the term jokes about a #bromance being intimate enough to raise the most crude suspicions of a homosexual, romantic relationship. It does not indicate actual sexual intercourse. There's a nuance to the joke. Southpark was playing with the public's inability to understand metaphor, similar to when their use of #jewbag was an actual change purse carried.

"The ambiguously gay duo" on SNL was also a play on the trope.

Rob and Big, Ryan and Bam, the Blues Brothers, etc, are examples of heterosexual friends who would have been accused of being butt buddies.
The new guy at work has become Mike's new butt buddy. They can't seem to spend 5 mins apart.
by Papa Zita December 7, 2022
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tate and seth are butt buddies. not gay but they just twerk with each other
"tate and seth were twerking on each other" isnt they gay "no they are just butt buddies"
by butt buddies August 11, 2023
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