Those molars standing far back in your mouth – if you did not have them removed. The latter may prevent your teeth to be squeezed and complicate your flossing.

Contrary to popular belief, the word stems from a literal translation of Dutch "verstandskies", where the word "verstand" can be translated as "wisdom" but also, written as "ver-stand" as standing far (away).
I was dumb getting my wisdom teeth out.
by Paddy-Whack July 26, 2023
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The act of banging your teeth on your partner's teeth when making out in a horribly uncool way
I saw Leslie teeth banging her boyfriend under the bleachers the other day. It was disgusting, and looked painful!
by Kiana Sioru January 5, 2017
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The act of getting off on greasy pubes flossing your cock deprived mouth and gums to the extent of depression when not getting your daily dose of fellatio forestry.
I didn't get my teeth tickles in 3 minutes Susan, take the gun you know what to do.
by Giov22 April 2, 2017
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to behave aggressively towards somebody; to vent anger on somebody; to scold.
Whenever there was a tiff between the husband and his wife, the wife, being a termagant, would bare her teeth. (In the phrase ‘bare one’s teeth, one’s can be replaced by an appropriate pronoun as required.)
by uttam maharjan November 3, 2011
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A Slang term used by stoners after they have a spliff and get the munchies for Cheetos, Wotsits or Cheeseballs.
Person 1: What are these things bro they’re clogging my teeth?

Person 2: They’re teeth cloggers!
by onecoolasguy February 2, 2021
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A person that doesn’t take care of their teeth due to drug use or poor dental hygiene.
That Meth head has chainsaw teeth
by Combop May 26, 2020
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