a word that can be used to replacerealy
that question was hella confusing!
by @shudec December 11, 2018
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a word typicaly used by large african american males. this world is an alternate to a word in the english dictionary "very" and can be used in many instances.
Excuse me Cyrus but would you like to acompany me to to senior prom in a few weeks, we could have sex after? Naw Sebastian you hella gay now go get my nigga Nasir and ask him if hes trying to go to free skate night tonight.
by SEABAZ69 July 15, 2010
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Badass way of adressing Greece

Also the correct way to adress Greece, historically.
Historian 1: Who do you think has the most badass history in terms of warfare?
Historian 2: No doubt, It's Hellas. Spartans and Greco-Italian War.
by C#RKUIT April 16, 2020
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Hella (adjective): used in describing a trait or quality of someone/something. Not used in a description of quantity.
“Damn grant, those vintage trousers are so hella!”

“This party is gonna be so hella”
by __BK June 11, 2022
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bad; annoying. something with a negative connotation.
This party is hella.
This traffic is hella
by willdo10 January 2, 2012
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"There was hella girls at the party." "That girl is hella cute."
by daaniishkaaaa October 27, 2017
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thats hella far
shes hella thicc
thats hella cars
by way2swag4yall March 15, 2021
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