A phrase used to indicate that one is more than competent to deal with a situation and, frankly, they've got this shit handled.

Don't worry about it.
"Well, sounds like you've got it handled."

by lol_words October 3, 2018
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1. An individual who overindulges in the consumption of junk. Junk can be defined as any opiate or opioid medication preparation. One who hogs units of a junk shot preparation in which two individuals cook up a dual score utilizing a single needle. The second person shooting said drugs is dubbed as taking a, "back seat" on a shot. Folks in the backseat typically contracted illnesses from directly injecting the initial shooter's blood. This contraction depends on a vast amount of factors as some diseases contracted from needles, droppers, etc., are either blood or airborne. Basically hepatitis C & HIV are the culprits as well as flesh eating viruses for example.
Bowery the dealer - Sid, I love you & I love Nancy but she is a junk hog. She is bringing you down man. She doesn't give a fuck about anything else except pumping her &, your veins full of gear...
by tOXR(A)!! July 12, 2021
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The general term for rubbish genres of music, including but not exclusive to R'n'B, hip hop, garage and soul.

Could also be used as a term for fly tipping in an urban area.
"I hate it when they play urban junk on the radio."

Georgine:*whilst thinking of her crush* "I wonder what music he's into?"
Fred:"I bet he's into urban junk." *laughs*
by Pretty_Vacant October 9, 2007
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Something that losers say, they look like a beaver and smells like syrup and it smells horrid., junk refers to dick, or balls. Not a pussy. The End
Hop off my junk hoe, before I go postal on your ass
by Corine Wittles March 16, 2011
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Any sort of unrequested email, text or other social media communication, especially sexually-oriented messages or containing pictures of genitalia on the internet. Abbreviated: DJM
Sending Digital Junk Mail turns your social media into anti-social media especially when it contains pictures of genitalia.
by CrotchGourmet December 17, 2022
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"dude...she can buff my junk any day. Basically, her lips make her out to be a great junk buffer"
by Z Man1 January 9, 2009
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