A blowjob where the giver has a mouth full of dip.
Example 1:

Guy 1: She gave me head, but she had a mouth full of Skoal.
Guy 2: Oh man, she gave you a Sloppy Dallas.

Example 2:
Guy 1: Billy Jim offered me a blowjob for some Taco Bell, but he has dip in his mouth.
Guy 2: Ah hell man, that would have been one helluva Sloppy Dallas.
by Eli Witty October 16, 2020
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The sexual act of receiving a blow job from someone with a mouth full of tobacco dip.
You know what’s even better than an a sloppy joe? A sloppy dallas.”
by issayaboi October 16, 2020
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Getting a blowjob from a girl who has packed a fat lip of dip and slobbers on your shaft.
That bitch gave me a sloppy dallas and my schlong looked like a freshly cut lawn.
by DudeAss October 16, 2020
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A blowjob while the female has a mouth full of dip
1st person: yo did have you tried a sloppy Dallas

2nd person:Yeah I got some at the party last night it was AWESOME!
by Kash the coochieman October 15, 2020
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1.) A blowjob with a mouth full of dip.

2.) The remains of when one removes the meat from a Sloppy Joe
1.) Doobrah gave me a Sloppy Dallas the other day dude!

2.) Doobrah gave me some Sloppy Dallas the other day dude!
by BEEP[You absolute buffoon]BEEP October 15, 2020
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When your partner gives you a blowjob with a mouth-full of chewing tobacco. This term was first popularized by the Youtubers - McNasty, Soup, TheDoo, and Blarg.
Hey man did you hear Dave got a Sloppy Dallas last night?
No way really?!
Yeah, but the only downside is that he got dip clippings all over his shaft.
That's nasty.
by bagelandsmegma October 15, 2020
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