Noun: One who refuses to admit their failures are the fault of their own, applied most typically and originating from competitive video games. Often implies the subject believes themselves more skilled than their winning opponent, and that certain aspects of the game should be different so as for those they consider deserving (i.e. the subject) to be more successful.
Player 1: "That character does way too much damage. I'm better than you, I should have won."
Player 2: "Get good scrub."
by hectop4scal September 13, 2020
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Anand, may also be called the eternal surpreme scrublord president
Charlie: who's that over there?

Char: it's Anand
Charlie: what's wrong with him?

Char: eh, he's just a scrub
by Thebanterman January 17, 2015
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Scrub is the guy that can't get no love from me.
Usually hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride trying to holler at you.
Person:What is scrub?
Tlc:Scrub is the guy who can't get no love from me.
by AllieGayTerd December 11, 2019
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Normally used as a noun for a brush or object that is used to clean or erase, in our society it can be used to describe someone or accuse someone of being a dick or jerk. This word is commonly used in gaming for it's use of not being a swear but referencing them, such as bitch, cumstain, and whore. Anyone can be a scrub if you try hard enough, so watch your back. Even your parents or close friends will call you it when they get the chance
Some guy on the internet: Wanna be apart of my squad on league?
Scrub: No.
Some guy on the internet who plays league, apparently: Wow, can't even see what my rank is scrub.
Scrub: 1v1 me.
by Pegu March 8, 2015
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a scrub is a guy/girl whose not relevant and non needed
guy- yea and i was like-
guy2- your a scrub shut up
by pussybusta420 May 8, 2021
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Someone who wears the same clothes more than one day in a row
Yo, didn't you wear that shit yesterday, scrub?
by Abject _McDeath July 26, 2019
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