Bitch ass group of murders, scared ass folk, or manipulative ass holes who hide in the shadows waiting to surrender to the real living God. They claim they are God but only use false doctrine to achieve there magical lies. NA.-NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS.
We are the one and only. There's no other way to get clean and sober. Give the one and only all your praise and glory when it really belongs to Christ.
by NewClear_Mindset⁹¡⁹ September 10, 2022
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Used to refer to someone you can't remember or don't know the name of, most commonly heard in Ireland.

It can refer to anyone, but it's mostly used to refer to women, as the female equivalent of 'yer man'.

Sometimes spelt/pronounced as 'yer wan'
Person 1: Sure dija see yer one at the pub the other day?

Person 2: Yer man's bird? I thought she was on her holliers
Person 1: Yeh sure she's only gone and fecked off wit yer fella, an' not a word to the poor lad, sure he's heartbroken but i didn't tell you that.
Person 2: sure jaezus, what a slag
by servvo1 December 21, 2021
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Beth: “ what did you do last night? Anything good?”
Eloïse: “I had a one night sc
Emily: “no way that must’ve been funny for you”
one night stand
by Pizza_4_life March 25, 2018
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A kill in CSGO that is not actually a one tap, but James Smith would still call it one.
James: *Empties full magazine on an enemy*
James: One Tap!!!
Hugo: That's a James Smith One-Tap right there
by Dragon_37 March 17, 2019
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Expression to describe the dedication shown by someone who is amazingly sentimental with their passion to "one,-up" an opponent, who may or may not actually be concerned with the ability of the former.
"Yo, I tried to get a handful of them zoom-zooms, but several trust fund bitches were all about that one-upmanship, offering over cost for a bulk amount that should receive bulk rates.."
by UpallNite December 12, 2021
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A person who when playing video games only does one action repetitively. Mostly acting in a way outside the way the game was designed in order to gain an unfair or manufactured advantage at the expense of others success.
“Dude quit being a fucking Johnny one move, or we are going to do something else.”
by axesandanchors November 9, 2023
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