A sexy beast that stalks hot guys to have sexual intercourse with.
The boy was Luke Altmaning around the hot guys house.
by the anal hole January 6, 2013
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The act of inserting your two fore fingers between the cheeks of another person, unbeknownst to them and saying in a warm baritone voice " nice ass".
After Dooley gave the waitress a Luke Duke our party was asked to leave the bar.
by Assbarr August 16, 2017
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An amazing person, that will always leave a mark in your life. He is important, but he doesent think so. A Luke Morgan needs to learn that he is special and great. He’s friends love him but he doesent notice it.
by Lulu M. April 24, 2018
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A person which is always second best to Jeeves and is not ashamed to let everyone know his penis is the size of a cocktail sausage
by AfcJeeves June 26, 2015
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absolutely retarded human being really obnoxious and cocky pretty good at sports i guess
did u see that kid luke

yea he is such a idiot
by idk what to make this October 19, 2019
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A Luke joke is a joke that's so bad nobody but the person telling the joke laughs. A Luke joke is also usually followed by stares of disbelief at the joke-teller's complete lack of humor.
Person 1: "So you know what killed the dinosaurs?"

Person 2: "A Meteor?"

Person 1: "No. DinoSARS! (laughing uncontrollably)"

Person 2: "You're a retard. Stop telling Luke jokes."
by Burnt Renolds August 14, 2008
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An aspiring nonce and child toucher inspired by histories greatest nonces e.g. Jimmy S and Chris Hill
You did a Luke Sturch
by S2005a2005 January 9, 2020
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