the only place left for hentai. weird asian porn.
person 1: "fuck mate, did ya see that kong ping video, had a bit of a good time with the dog cunt"
teacher: "what the fuck is kong ping"
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The blurry spots that are superimposed over genitalia and breasts in videos. Used to hide nudity or pretend nudity. Also to hide one's identity or other info that can't be released publicly. Can also be used for censorship/propaganda.
(While watching TV)

other person: I bet the camera man got wood filming that!
Steve: She wasn't really naked, the video pasties just make you think she is.
other person: What's a video pastie?
Steve: The blurry spot over their goodies.

other person: Oh, like they use on the cop shows.
Steve: Yep.
other person: That takes the fun out of it knowing she wasn't really naked.
by Gee Steve April 25, 2019
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1. A video in which there is a woman with mutiple men taking turns on her during intercourse.

2. A video of an actual train vehicle.
She found out her boyfriend was cheating on her so she sent him a train video.
by July 23, 2023
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It is a video recorded by a criminal while doing a crime as a memento of the crime.
John had dozens of trophy videos of him sexually assaulting women, which helped the New York police to file a case against him.
by UmangBhatt April 28, 2023
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The act of video chatting with the opposite sex while you both masturbate.
Guy 1: what did you do last night?

Guy 2 : Nothing really just video humped Christina.
by Itsalltooeasy December 14, 2016
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Birds that ruin you video
All of the kids: Lets make a video!


3 seconds later...

savage video birds come in and mess up recording.

by sHadybo1 April 22, 2020
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