Someone who's so dumb it's frightening. In other words, a master of the obvious and old news.
Jake: Did you know that crabs is spelled with a "c" and not a "k"?

Joe: Thank you, Captain Obvious and the World of Yesterday.
by Ink Spot Mike's wife May 17, 2007
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When one bitches about a certain topic, another my reply with this phrase to indicate that they already had a distaste for the subject matter. The joke can be extended to "I have already eaten it."
I hate maths homework.
Mate, I already 'ate it yesterday.
by Partisan Passers-By Proxy March 15, 2016
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And my dad died yesterday is a term for trying to give someone a guilt trip. It is usually added at the end of the sentence to make people seem even more guiltier.
Person 1: Haha kid your a loser
Person 2: It's people like you that make me want to kill myself . . . And My DAD DIED YESTERDAY
by S1X August 19, 2011
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A phrase meaning (often used sarcastically), i appreciate it, but please stop giving me advice, I know what I am doing.
Mother: Adrian go take a shower, then do your homework, not the other way a round.

Adrian: mom, I wasn't born yesterday, I will take a shower when I feel its appropriate, besides, i have this paper to finish writing for tomorrow.
by Sexydimma January 18, 2013
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The best show on the internet that use only submissions from JackFilm's audience
so technically speaking we are making the contents for him
"Yesterday I asked you a very odd question, what are some alternative pronunciation for the name Benedict Cumberbatch"
by Liberty of the playa February 3, 2020
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The motivational term used by the badass Navy Seals.
Whats the motto of the United States Navy Seals private? "sir the motto for the United States Navy Seals is The only easy day was yesterday it pays to be a winner sir!!!
by Future service member November 3, 2017
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person1: hey, have you heard what putin did yesterday?
person2: I dunno, what did he do?
by nike kicks June 8, 2022
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