by MichaelJacksonsHehe November 11, 2020
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Someone who blindly follows Donald Trump.. like a dog
It doesn't matter what Donald Trump does. Sarah will always be his loyal trumpet
by joppyslow August 27, 2018
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1.Gods girt to the marching band.

2.The awesomest hunk of metal you will ever blow into.
John: I like your trumpet.

Bill: Yeah trombones pretty much suck.
by Trmp buddy. August 31, 2008
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Bos trump 1. "WOW!!! The Spirit of Saginaws trumpets are amazing"

Bos trump 2. "I know if only we were a tenth as good as them maybe they wouldn't only hear the clarinets"
by $UP3RFL3TCH October 24, 2010
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This is a highly complex maneovour performed by 3 males from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Step 1. Male.A bends over
Step 2. Male B inserts a trumpet into Male.A's ass.
Step 3. Male C begins to play the trumpet in a erotic manner, while Male B watches along in envy.
Hey i heard Dan mitch and ben did the trumpet on the weekend!
by Crock March 24, 2005
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The simple act of making America great again.
American voters have decided to start trumpeteering, instead of sticking with the recent US Government trend of international buttersnap-shitfuckery.
by Nagromnaedhcrub February 5, 2017
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The best instrument of all time. Beats the clarinet by a mile. Clarinets are really stupid. They are the worst instrument. Maybe besides flutes. And flutes? Really? They're just really dopey. Have you noticed that NO ONE plays the flute? Saxophones are cool but overused. Epic Sax Guy? You know him? Yeah, no. And trombones are probably the second best. But none y'all can beat trumpet because it's all dope. You play the loudest, get more solos, and are used in lots of pictures of Jesus and God. They are holy instruments. That's why they're awesome! If you don't agree, you're probably a clarinet.
Man, I wish I was a Trumpet. They're SO cool.
by Fresh_Towels98 November 29, 2017
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