fucking sexy, used as a sex toy, will fuck a nigga up, fuck'em soon cuz they tend to get penal fractures lots, will knock you the fuck out
damn man, 20 lebs after me....better get travis!!

Christina: oh my god, gotta get me some travis!
other bitch:fuck you whore, he's mine!
Christina: ok, threesome!
by !~mm~! October 13, 2008
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An extremely attractive male. Wants to kill any boy who hits on his younger sister and threatens pedestrians wearing a man thong. Loves skateboarding and being a freak. He likes good music that not very many people have heard of. Most importantly Travis' sex appeal is one that cannot be handled and you will want your hands all over that.
Girl: hey
Travis: hey
Girl: omg I want you

by Kooopna December 2, 2009
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The man you want to marry. He's amazing, sexy, funny and sweet. He tends to do stupid things to impress girls and often hurts himself. He's got eyes for one girl and she is his heart and soul.
Girl 1: Who is that sexy motherfucker right there?

Girl 2: Ooooo, honey. That's Travis. Back off. He belongs to Kayla.
by SweetBitch731 August 17, 2017
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John: What's your name?
Travis: Travis.
John: You probably have a shovel.
Travis: *whips out his long shovel*
John: Nice shovel.
by EpicChickenSauceMan05 November 9, 2020
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sophomore predator,
loves the lil ones. interested in unpopped pune.
i saw travis at an elementary school.
by g4ryh4rd3n February 12, 2008
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To make plans to do something, but to back out at the last minute.
"The movie started at 7:00. He called at 6:55 and totally Travised-out."
by Absydion February 6, 2010
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A guy/boy that cant get a girl into bed
Im sorry Laura i just gues im a travis
by Rigan January 23, 2009
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