Mommy! Mommy! I wanna go to the transplantation and see how trans people are grown!
by Antioxidanti January 23, 2020
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The most funnest band I believe exists,founded by Adam Kay and Suman Biswas!
Person 1 ; "Hey man,have you heard of Amateur Transplants?"

Person 2 ; "yes actually! Adam is probably my favourite but Suman is also cool,I really like their song,London Underground"
by Satirist. June 4, 2023
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Someone not originally from an area.
Transplant is a broader term to describe anyone who's not originally from an area, since not all transplants are newcomers. Some have been in area for many years.
by Solid Mantis January 29, 2021
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When one removes the tobacco and cuts off the filter from a cigarette, and replaces these components with a roach and some sweet Devil's Lettuce (aka: Marijuana). A useful alternative when there are no papers available to roll a joint.
Treb: "Man, I wish we could have a joint, but we're all out of papers!"
Geebz: "Don't worry mate, if you chuck us a ciggie I'll make us a transplant."
by GutenBrahzen April 19, 2017
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When you belch into a person's vagina or anus while going down on them.
Last night I slammed a two liter of Mountain Dew and gave Becky a burp transplant.
by PeriodSexJoe September 10, 2018
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The act of sexual intercourse with a cheese curd, and the subsequent placement of that cheese curd in a close friend's Thanksgiving dinner.
1. "Hey honey, don't you wanna have sex? We always have sex after a big meal."
"Oh, sorry darling, I just had a long, stressful day of Wisconsin transplants."

2. "Dude! Why did you buy Swiss cheese!? Nobody has swiss cheese on Thanksgiving! What we need are some of those Wisconsin transplants!"

3. "Hey bra, if I didn't know any better I'd say this turkey is stuffed with Wisconsin transplants."
by Wildcard t October 24, 2009
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