Greatest country in the world!
If you're from here, then dont complain because you have no idea how bad other countries have it!
If you're not from here, then dont complain about us because you're probably some idiot that opens their mouth without thinking first and you probably have never been here!
Foreigner: The United States of America is full of ass holes that like to go to war!
American: Shut up! You've never been here! We have freedom!
by suckmycondom June 9, 2011
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The United States Of America is basically the edgy kid in class that tries to be different and unique from everyone else and also tries to force their beliefs onto other people.
by ZanetheBane November 1, 2021
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The United States of America is a country situated in North America, sandwiched between Canada and Mexico (with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii). It's a first world country with some problems and issues which happened to be the only superpower, nothing more, nothing less.

To extremists, however, the United States of America is either a state which its civilians are fatso's cocking guns into eachother every few seconds, a future ethnostate which needs to remove immigrants one way or another, a perfect country which can do no wrong, or a boogeyman evil which can't do absolutely good and need to be either "liberated", or collapse.
Person: The United States of America is a North American country between Canada and Mexico. It's a first world country which has some issues that need to be fixed, but still a pretty nice country. Can't wait to get my hands on some Texas BBQ and some Gumbo.
European extremists: Huh, inferior Americans, fatty guys eating at McDonald's every day while shooting each other with guns.
White Supremacists: The US needs to remove any immigrants to protect our culture!
Hypernationalists: Oh, the Trail of Tears and the Iraq War? That was justified bro.
by Mr hurr durr April 23, 2022
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Greatest country on earth and land of opportunity with citizens who are not ignorant and just recognize how great their country is.
by Shayzee November 9, 2004
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a shitty country with lots of debt and school shootings
Person 1: Hey did you hear that person is moving to United States of America?
Person 2: No, that must suck they probably got dared.
by icebladesamurai October 29, 2020
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located in North America between Canada and Mexico, it used to be a great place, and it still is, sort of.

has a lot of problems stupid people in the government don't know how to fix because they are obsessed with power. the only place where more and more money is dumped into union schools and kids still get lower test scores(solution: charter schools, but union leaders are too fucked up in the head to realize what's right). a lot of people around the world now hate us, and they don't have a good reason to. america is the world's policeman. what power would have stopped Hitler from taking over the world, huh?

home to various races, and the government here is more racist than the people.

media is everything, and entertainment is one of our main focuses over being productive.

trashy people are everywhere, but there are a lot of good people too.

America: good and bad!
Am I proud to be an American? uh...yeah...ok

United States of America: home of the...most obese pop.?


The US is pretty much going down the drain.
by epitomeofawesome1 November 24, 2011
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America: the land mass between Canada and Mexico, full of a wide range of people, some are nice and polite to those around them, but others are facist, sexist, racist asses that can't think about anyone but themselves. Not all Americans are like that, in fact most of them are really nice people, and those who have posted trying to stand up for their country have a really good point, In the fact that they arent that only ignorant people in the worl, there are ignorant people in Canada, and Europe, and every other single place on the world. It doesn't make them good or bad, It makes them human. And every one should stop criticizing them for being, overweight, lazy, illiterate people who don't care about any one but themselves. Although America came into the wars a few years before they ended, American soldiers still risked there lives to protect their countries as well as others. You may argue with this, and this is only my opinion, but cut America some slack, they are only doing there best to survive as a country.

American government however is one of the most corrupt in the world, they do things for themselves, they don't send their armies in to help anyone else until they themselves have been damaged
Not all Americans are Streyotypical, just the ones that are are the ignorant people the rest of the world loves to hate.

American Government however is the steryeotypical Ignorant people everyone knows about.

I am not American. I am Canadian, and proud of it. But I am also proud to have the United States of America as a neighbouring country.
by Canadian Guy December 13, 2006
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