One who failed to switch from Noob to Skilled and insults all those who kill with: "Hacker, Cheater, Lagger, Bullet Speed Roll, NoLife!"
Once i had a hood, i broke it.
by Gigen May 15, 2010
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Not to be mistaken with the ghetto. The area(s) in a city where not only poor, usually black people, live, where much violence takes place. The hood is where you get shot, stabbed, mugged, etc., the ghetto is just a poor area.
Poor Black Guy 1 "Yo man I live in the hood!"
Poor Black Guy 2 "No you don't, you live in the ghetto, I live in the hood! Hell, I just got my rims stolen AND my ass shanked just yesterday!"
by r-can16 November 14, 2010
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a) Urban area of a city usually populated by mostly black folks. (aka: ghetto).

b) Prepuce of the penis or clitoris. (aka: Foreskin)
a) I ain't afraid of these niggaz, I grew up in the hood dawg!

b) I usually pull my hood back before I take a piss.
by Cappy1 June 8, 2004
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It is doesn't mean any thing like a ghetto or something like that it is simply slang for Neighborhood "hood" just like Tele is slang for Television
by Graves March 25, 2005
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noun. 1:The "Hood" means a place that is very crapy or ghetto. The ghetto is in Detroit, Queens, Compton, Exc. The "Hood" is usaly filled with blacks and some whites. It is somtimes a good place to live because it is cheaper. The "Hood" can also be in a trailor park or bad apartment complex. 2: A piece of a jacket or sweater that goes over your head to cover it up.
1: Are we gunna go chill in da "Hood" tonight

2: Put ur hood up brandyn its cold out there!
by BrandynMcCartney January 25, 2008
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The place where thugs and wangsters hang out slangin' caine and droppin' beats.
Chawnte was rollin' thru the hood in his candy apple paint caddy with 20 inch blades.
by G Unit1 October 18, 2007
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A group of people, usually young who stand on street corners with hooded tops, drinking cheap cider and wkd.

These people are usually spides,steeks and chavs

They proceed to shout at passing busses, throw fire works and talk about how they are goin to "kick da fook out of dem wenkers like" and "brick da peelers like"

These people need shot for being so thick.

The younger of these hoods rarely attend school and boast about how hard they are, but everyone with a brain knows that these kind of people are pussys and would never pick fights unless they are in a crowd of their own kind.

dont fuck with hoods unless they are on their own =D
by ajc_176 October 16, 2005
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