Legend - leg. end. Attatched to the end of a leg is a foot.
''A whole urban decay pallette? Holy shit... You're a leg end.''

''you calling me a foot?''

''Aye Why Not''
by Heyy_Dude February 20, 2010
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used as a PROPELLOR in the first and second Crimeon Wars. Was not discarded until the finger was used as a device to pleasure hungry women. They like it up 'em they do!!
Give us a lift mister, we'll be ever so proud if your foot would propell us onwards. If not Fuck Off!
by charle Paterson January 21, 2004
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Disgusting extra objects on the end of a human beings leg. Should be removed and people can just have nubs when they are "bare-ankled." People can just be like "Bratz" dolls otherwise.

Oh my god, that foot totally just touched me dude! They are so nasty!!!
by Super Turtle June 13, 2008
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A reference to fast-food fish product when covered in malt vinegar. Identified as foot due to the close aromatic approximation of a human foot in a high-top sneaker for at least 6 hours.
Man! I needin' to get to LJS and get me some foot.
by Etti October 20, 2003
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a diffrent wording of herpes. a foot is also a mesurement.
look bob has a foot of herpes on his penis he must of slep with that slut womnda again
by flip December 7, 2002
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When someone is really ugly, they can be described as a foot.

When you're feeling really rough.
Dunny: Hey did you see that ugly girl last night?
Mutt: Yeah, she looked like a foot

Tum: I shouldn't have drank so much last night, I feel like a foot.
by DJsprout May 28, 2015
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A highly repulsive looking person. Someone who is so disgusting (on the inside and/or outside), you have no other way to describe them.
Why won't you date Tim?
Obviously because Tim is a foot.
by Fuque Me August 10, 2011
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