Not a cat . A cuddly thing sometimes.
Hu, have you ever thought about a talking dog?
by Mutlylover101 November 2, 2015
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1. a deliberate contradictory remark or action done to highlight a person's flaw
2. a deliberate action to avoid an organised event or place of meeting.
you dogged it on saturday! you're supposed to meet me at the train station at 12.

oh what a dog! why say that? you always dog it like that.
by lamchopz March 20, 2005
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a guy who hits and runs, as in he tells girls what they wanna hear to get in their panties and as soon as he gets the pussy, he's gone. unable to commit to one woman. DOG.
Paul is a dog. don't date him!!!
by Vee Dawg August 8, 2005
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The most wonderful, kindhearted creatures to ever walk this earth.
"omg dogs are so perfect I love them"
by NoCrocsPlz June 1, 2016
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An adjective used to describe rude, unfriendlike or unsportsmanlike behaviour. Appears to have originated at Newlands College in New Zealand.
Person 1: I gave Bob money to buy me maccas but he ate it himself.
Person 2: That's so dogs, man!
by VickiandJosh4EVZ September 26, 2014
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A term to describe soldiers. It comes from them wearing dog tags.
"There go the dogs to fight another war".
by Hunter of trolls December 31, 2011
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