Cheap tack, flammable as you like, crappy comes in a range of clashing neon colours that make your arse look fat
Brookside, liverpool, saaarf east london and hell
by tara banana May 28, 2004
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at the end of the Second World War, returning servicemen underwent a 'demobilisation' process at various centres around the country. As part of this process of transitioning back into civilian life, they were issued with an outfit of civilian clothing. This included a new suit, which became known as a 'demob' (short for demobilisation) suit. Accordingly, the phrase has become synonymous with any suit that looks sufficiently mass-produced and out of style that no-one in their right mind would buy it themselves.
He goes to so few formal occassions, the last time he did he was wearing his demob suit.
by spudsey February 9, 2010
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Style of suit characterized by a nearly knee-length coat with wide shoulders accompanied by baggy, high-waisted, pleated trousers tapered towards the ankles (drapes), a low crowned, wide-brimmed hat, pointed-toe shoes and an extra long keychain. Emerging in the late 1930's within black youth jazz culture (hepcats), the zoot suit was a wild exaggeration of the typical men's suit and accessories of the era and reputed to have been originally inspired by a custom order based on the civil war period costume worn by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind". The name "zoot" suit likely has roots relating to a combination of the mainstream culture image of the reefer smoking hepcat and hepcat slang. It is believed that the style was quickly popularized among the Harlem jazz scene and spread westward where it became adopted as the hallmark of the pachuco. As world war II-era materials restrictions were imposed articles of clothing utilizing excessive fabric were demonized as "unpatriotic" and a mark of rebellion against the status quo, subservience and anything square. Acts of hooliganism among some members of the pachuco crowd in war-era Los Angeles gave ample reason for drunken servicemen to seek out and bash on Mexican youths, leading to the "zoot suit riots". Today the zoot suit remains as an outlandish reminder of what may be the original fashion symbol of minority youth-culture rebellion.
As soon as we get our shore leave we're headed downtown to beat the hell out of some of those zoot suit-wearing, draft-dodging pachucos.
by Dan O. December 7, 2005
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The soulful, largely electronic music almost exclusively performed by British men in suits. Examples include Robert Palmer, ABC, Breathe, Johnny Hates Jazz, Rick Astley, and Living In A Box.
"I was in a bad mood until somebody at the bar put a bunch of suit rock on the jukebox."
by XLNZ March 30, 2017
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The do something cheap, greasey, slimey and or underhanded. To Suit Dan someone usually involves ripping a close friend off.
Everytime I ask B for my money he signs off, I think he is pulling a Suit Dan.
by blntsbr May 27, 2009
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In which a super hero is just looking for his suit
Honey? Where's my super suit?


Where - is - my - super - suit?

I, uh, put it away.


Why do you need to know?

I need it!

Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no derrin'-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months!

The public is in danger!

My evening's in danger!

You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good!

'Greater good?' I am your wife! I'm the greatest *good* you are ever gonna get!
by Suuuuh April 2, 2019
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Any tight bikini or brief style swimming trunks worn by men. Different than anal floss, it is generally worn by hairy, overweight foreigners on American beaches.
what are all of these old German men in root suits doing on South Beach?
by Frank Brown April 8, 2008
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