Character displacement or personality loss which causes the person to do whatever auditory hallucinations commands them to do
Rachel suffered from sexual personality disorder
by rafael e Reyes May 16, 2018
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Is a disorder that mainly affects a persons sexual personality

Which may also affect their ability to make the right choices when it comes to sexual intercourse
This is the main cause for sexual harassment , rape , and sexual abuse (molestation)
Ricky suffered from sexual personality disorder
by rafael e Reyes October 20, 2018
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Is a type of personality disorder primarily dealing with a person s sexual behaviors choices,decision and acts with Disoriented Sexual inhibition toward anyone of any age
Ricky suffered from sexual personality disorder
by rafael e Reyes August 17, 2018
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Sexual character with uncontrolled impulses
I couldn't help myself with sexual personality disorder
by rafael e Reyes May 13, 2018
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A condition where a person
Does not feel in control of their own actions
But reacting to racing thoughts
In the mind
And doing what the racing thoughts are telling them
Charles suffered from subconscious personality disorder
by rafael e Reyes June 28, 2018
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A personality disorder which prevents the person from ever telling the truth, and risks them bursting into flames if they do, even in simple question situations, such as the character in Liar Liar, starring Jim Carrey.
She has Heardtrionic Personality Disorder and will spontaneously combust if she tells the truth, so please steer clear of her, just in case she accidentally answers a question truthfully.
by Team Britney May 29, 2022
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A Chronic health condition that often begins in high-school that features high levels of selfishness without any selflessness aka extreme narcissism, frequent use of drugs from Marijuana, alcohol, and sometimes harder ones despite legality and health concerns, also features high levels of social media use, pathological lying, wasting money on unnecessary items, services, and wasting my on people who can get their own money, also involves unrealistic relationship goal thar only consider one person whether ot friends or more,, some are vindictive and ig they feel hurt will come after all your worldly possessions which could include your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but a lot a time it's just money because that's all they really care about. I'm not surevif there is a cure for the sickness, but in my opinion it is better of not engaging there is no winning with an American Personality Disorder. The only way to win the American Personality Disorder is not play with them. Cause if you do play they will play you until you are left with nothing and they will move right on to their next goal. And in the process those with American Personality Disorder will sometimes put you down and make you feel small, crazy, or out if mind, dealing with those types can lead to psychosis if not careful. But if youvlearn to recognize the traits, patterns of your typical American personality
He/she/they have been Americanized his/her/there thoughts are not based on facts/reason/logic/reality/opinions it might be based on propaganda in form of social media(news,instagram,politics,friend groups, family groups, other loved ones, spirituality, religion, etc). The thing that separates those with American Personality Disorder from others is that they are not only ignorant and arrogant they are selfish without any selflessness. Which basically means many times they just get,take, recive and don't give. In my opinion not a good relationship. In my opinion the reason for this is because I think one party in my opinion usually views themselves as better than the other like have a big ego, that paints themselves as better than the other by doing this they are able to take advantage of others without feeling guilty cause they apparently are the moral high ground and they often do this via spirituality or religion, or social media, etc but in short there no better it's better to not engage. Trust/love/think/Be/Believe in Yourself and set a positive goal and let your mind guide you towards it and just follow the law so order can be maintained and people can live in peace. It's a simple and marvelous as that.
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