Men aren't pervs, they are just terminally optimistic.
by Mom424 June 13, 2008
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Having a positive outlook no matter what the situation is around you.

Optimism based on zero facts or information.
The stock market is crashing but Oppy keeps on buying and says he is not worrried. Oppy is Blligerently Optomistic about the market.

Some people don't care about the war they are just Belligerently Optimistic that everything will be alright.
by _Cue_ August 26, 2009
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A virtual optimist is a person who portrays a positive and hopeful future on social media, while generally not doing anything in real life to impact that future, expecting it to happen on its own.
1. You need to stop being a virtual optimist, this neighborhood hasn't improved in the last 20 years and keeps getting worse, since no one cares to do anything about it.

2. "Don't just migrate to another country!"
"Why not?"
"Things are going to be way better in 10 years time"
"Yeah, says you and every other virtual optimist out there!"
by T-Mod17 October 30, 2018
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A term used to describe someone who is optimistic in such situations where a majority of people (or, just one particular person) do not want to hear optimism because it is unwelcome; such as Monday morning in an office enviorment.

This term can also be used outside "the office" to describe someone who just might be too optimistic.
Person: I hate Monday mornings.
Optimist: Oh, but it's the start of a new week, the beginning of a new day! Isn't it beautiful out?
Person: You're such a Monday Morning Optimist... it's annoying.
by Noxilerm May 16, 2007
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A combination of optimism and mysticism. When a philosopher or undergraduate student or other fanatical thinker comes up with a proof for why life is not a chaotic series of meaningless events ending in death. There are always serious problems with these arguments, so "optimisticism" always carries a negative connotation, similar to quaint or foolish.
Hegel's arguments for why mankind will one day see the realisation of the full freedom of the "spirit" in the real world add up to nothing but optimisticism.

The hippies thought they could create the perfect world with their optimisticism.

The president's speech was littered with the usual optimisticism about the "free" market.
by moe sizlac October 4, 2007
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The act of optimism, and the inability to spell/say optimist.
I'm expieriencing optimistism
by Dkefndjcndnf April 17, 2016
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A virtual optimist is a person who portrays a positive and hopeful future on social media, while generally not doing anything in real life to impact that future, expecting it to happen on its own.
You need to stop being a virtual optimist about this neighborhood, it hasn't improved in 20 years and has only gotten worse, as no one does anything to improve it.
by T-Mod17 October 30, 2018
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