A layer of toilet paper put into the toilet to prevent a back splash whilst taking a dump.
Russ don't forget to lay out the turd trampoline. Protect that ass from the shit water splash.
by 123bdk March 30, 2021
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One with trampoline pants is one with a puge so large that they bounce off everything they come into contact with, especially while attempting sex. (see "puge")
Rocky Balboa's puge was so big in Rocky V, that he had trampoline pants.
by Snappytramp August 12, 2010
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The action of a person placing a suction cup dildo on a trampoline and then bouncing on it.
I’m feeling horny today I might do a Dildo Trampoline later.
by Pussyfootedbitch May 13, 2019
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The action of taking the skin of your ballsack and bouncing your dick on it.
YO! Mai got to witness Logan's wicked Rat Trampoline at the party last night!
by TheFatDragon March 2, 2016
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The act of jumping as high as you can on a bed or trampoline, defecating mid air, and landing in it.
We were jumping on the bed and Mason had a muddy trampoline
by PURGATWINKIE May 14, 2023
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a woman's panty's or thong's waistband that is too tight around the woman's waist.
i was gonna get carpal tunnel if i went any further in that trampoline guillotine.
by trog impalor May 28, 2005
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A sex act that involves bearded men, vodka and vigorous sex. Coined during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
Guy 1: "Dude, did you see what happening on the winter olympics last night?"
Guy 2: "I know right, Vladimir Putin went to town doing the russian trampoline with all those figure skaters and lumberjacks."
by Rilox February 8, 2014
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